
Broke means a lot of things to a lot of people. Here’s what it means to us.


Shakin’ things up in product


I started BROKE to bring trendy, fun-ctional, & premium quality product into the horse world at a reasonable price. My husband, Ryan, is an industrial designer who has worked globally in the outdoor, snow, skate, and surf industry for 17 years. We see a lot of opportunity to bring freshness to the equine market.

His specialty is technical bags and accessories. I want to utilize that experience to bring great product into the horse market. Think items that get better with age / broken in. Wherever possible, we’ll produce USA made goods.




Broke is a community of compassionate horse owners that believe in positive training techniques. It is a horse with a solid foundation achieved through mutual respect and trust.  It is never obtained by force or fear. It is a partnership developed with training techniques that create a confident and willing partner.  Through BROKE, I would like to bring awareness to different training techniques from a variety of trainers.  


“You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear.  There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ask you what to do when is afraid" ~ Antoine de Pluvinel


Broke also represents a broken system where horses are discarded when they can’t perform to the level of their owner’s expectations. Often times we fail them when we do not give them a positive foundation to build on as this can directly cause them to end up in a constant cycle of rehoming or worse... I would love to change the mentality of how we look at horses.  They live their life on our terms and doing what we ask.  They deserve more than most give them when they no longer serve that purpose.  One of our rescue horses, Tina, is a appalling example of this and how things can turn around.


“Love the horse first and the sport second “ ~ author unknown.






Thirdly, we all know keeping horses can make you BROKE…..I’m sure most have felt it at some point. It’s a running joke between Ryan and I, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!


Annie & Stella - 2019

Annie & Little Bit - 1989